Aspartame is very popular artificial sweetener with very low calorific value. Since last few decades use of aspartame has been drastically enhanced among the population worldwide. Not only the diabetic persons but also diet conscious young and teen-agers are also consuming aspartame without any concern or much knowledge. Consumers are using the aspartame irrespective of their clinical conditions and age. Sugar free diet products are very much popular among children and teenagers. It has been also noticed that, aspartame issued under commercial trade without any warning or specific intake limit on label. Presently aspartame consumed widely by the population via cold drinks, diet soda, low calorie sweet products, sugar free sweet products and medications. Although, many research studies indicate clearly about the associated side effects of aspartame consumption. So, in the light of available scientific research, the use of this synthetic sweetener is questionable and controversial. Purpose of this review is to spread the awareness about the possible adverse after effects of unconscious aspartame consumption. Present review is an interactive and comprehensive presentation of facts and information related to aspartame for the awareness of researchers and mass population.