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AbstractApplication of many EOR technologies provokes productivity decline due to asphaltene deposition leading to wellbore plugging and flow restriction in tubing, flow lines and production facilities. The present study aims at investigating the kinetics of asphaltene deposition using both model system and actual crude oil. Experiments were performed by injecting asphaltenic fluids into capillaries and outcrop sandstones. The effect of flow rate, presence of resins and asphaltene aggregation were investigated.It was experimentally evidenced that asphaltene deposition is a continuous process that results in multilayer deposition. It was demonstrated that asphaltene deposition takes place according to the well-known scaling law of Diffusion Limited Deposition (DLD) regime. The results demonstrated that multilayer deposition might be hindered by shear rate. It was shown that, above a first critical shear rate (lower critical shear rate) that depends on asphaltene aggregation state, the multilayer deposition kinetic is slowed down upon increasing injection flow rate. The flow rate dependence switches from -2/3 to -5/3 power law. This latter exponent is thought to encompass the classical -2/3 dependence of the DLD regime and the effect of asphaltene detachment that, therefore, varies as the flow rate to the power -1. The results put into evidence the existence of an upper critical shear rate value beyond which multilayer deposition is totally hindered. The value of this critical shear rate depends on resin content and varies exponentially with solvent quality.In conclusion, the experimental results showed that the "colloidal approach" is a valuable route for asphaltene deposition modeling that can be used to develop a more realistic asphaltene near-wellbore damage model that takes into account the actual physics of the process.L. Nabzar, M.E. Aguilera, and Y. Rajoub, Inst. Français du Pétrole