The mixed electronic ionic conducting materials (Ba0.5Sr0.5)(Co0.8Fe0.2)1-хNbхO3-δ with partial Nb substitution (x: 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20) for B cations (Co/Fe), synthesized using a solid state reaction method, have been studied by near edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS). Co L2,3-absorption spectra of (Ba0.5Sr0.5)(Co0.8Fe0.2)1-хNbхO3-δ (BSCFN) powders were analyzed with purpose to understand the influence of the Nb substitution on the atomic electronic structure of BSCFN. The joint analysis of the Co L2,3-absorption spectra reveals the presence of mixed oxidation states Co 2+ /Co 3+ in all the studied BSCFN structures. It was established that the proportion of oxidation states Co 2+ /Co 3+ and the corresponding coordinations of Co atoms depend on the content of Nb. In the 10% Nb substituted BSCF sample Co atoms mostly occur in the Co 2+ oxidation state and are preferentially characterized by octahedral coordination site. In all other structures Co atoms are rather characterized by Co 2+ /Co 3+ oxidation states and occupy both octahedrally and tetrahedrally coordinated sites.