Polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD) is a heterogenous endocrine disorder characterized by ovarian cysts, anovulation, and hormonal fluctuations, impacting women’s health in various ways. PCOD has transformed into a lifestyle disorder due to sedentary habits, excessive consumption of fast food, and an unhealthy lifestyle. Predisposing risk factors such as genetics, neuroendocrine factors, lifestyle and environmental influences, as well as obesity, play significant roles in the development of PCOD. In Ayurveda, PCOD cannot be correlated to any one particular disease; it can be related to certain diseases like Vandhya, Nasthartava, Aratava Kshaya, Pushpaghni Jataharini, etc. and must be controlled according to the Dosha Dushya vitiation. In this present case study, a 21 year old female patient came with symptoms of scanty menses, acne over face and weight gain in the OPD of Kayachikitsa. The USG report reveals PCOD changes in both ovaries as both ovaries are bulky in size right ovary, vol = 18cc and left ovary, vol = 13.2cc with multiple peripherally arranged follicles with central echogenic stroma. The result was determined based on the relief of clinical symptoms and the findings from the ultrasound report. Therefore, in this case study, drugs such as Dashmool Kwath, Narikanti, Cystogrit diamond etc. was given which have Lekhaniya properties results into reducing the size of ovary and effectively alleviate Kapha Dosha and Ama, facilitating the treatment of Sroto-Dusti and removing obstructions caused by Apana Vayu, ultimately enhancing menstrual flow.