The fluctuations of highly permeable interfaces, encountered in phase-separated biopolymer solutions, liposomes, polymersomes, or colloidosomes, are investigated. An expression for the power spectrum of the height correlation function is derived for a multicomponent system, incorporating the effects of mass transfer across the interface, using nonequilibrium thermodynamics. We also derive an expression for the relaxation time of the height correlation function, and calculate the relaxation time for a phase-separated gelatin-dextran-water system. Comparing our expression with the expression for an impermeable interface shows that mass transfer has a significant impact on the relaxation time of the interface. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.066105 PACS numbers: 68.35.Ja, 68.05.ÿn Water-in-water emulsions, such as phase-separated (bio)polymer solutions, liposomes, polymersomes, or colloidosomes, can be used for encapsulation and texturing applications in pharmaceutical, food, or cosmetic products. The interfaces in these emulsions have properties that differ significantly from those found in oil-water or water-air systems, stabilized by a simple surfactant. The interfacial tension in water-in-water emulsions is often extremely low. For example, in phase-separated biopolymer solutions the surface tension is of the order of 10 ÿ6 N=m [1]. The bending rigidity of interfaces in these systems can be significant, as high as 500 kT [2]. As a result, the bending rigidity can have an appreciable effect on the dynamic behavior of these systems [3].Another important property of the interfaces in water-inwater emulsions is their permeability. In these systems water and dissolved molecules can transfer easily from one aqueous bulk phase to the other. This high permeability of the interface has a significant effect on the stressdeformation and deformation-relaxation behavior of, for example, droplets in phase-separated biopolymer solutions [4,5].That mass transfer can have an appreciable effect on the dynamic behavior of a deformed droplet was also shown in recent interfacial tension measurements of biopolymer solutions, using the spinning drop method [6]. Droplets deformed by spinning the capillary, slowly dissolved, and the rate of dissolution increased with increasing spinning rate, or increasing deformation of the droplets.In previous work we used scaling analysis to study the effects of permeability and bending rigidity on the dynamic behavior of phase-separated biopolymer solutions [4 -6]. In systems with a composition close to the critical point, we observed that the relaxation time of the system scales as L 4 = p k , with L a characteristic length scale of the system, p the permeability of the interface, and k the bending rigidity. In systems with a composition far from the critical point, relaxation is dominated by surface tension and permeability, andHere we will use a more formal approach, using nonequilibrium thermodynamics to derive expressions for the power spectrum of the height correlation function and the relaxa...