SummaryThis study was performed to determine plasma lipid changes and antioxidant status in relation to cholesterol content and fatty acid distribution in the aorta of rats after long-term ovariectomy (OV). After 12 months, OV induced in rat plasma a significant increase in glucose, total cholesterol, and triglycerides compared with the corresponding values for the control rats (C) of the same age (p <0.0005, p < 0.005, p<0.0005, respectively). These changes were associated with a significant increase in lipid peroxide level (p <0.05) and a significant decrease in vitamin E in the plasma from group OV compared with the group C level (p<0.0001). Conversely, OV after 7 and 12 months induced a significant increase in vitamin C (p<0.001, p<0.0001, respectively). Concerning plasma fatty acid distribution, after 12 months, OV caused a significant increase in gamma and dihomo gamma linolenic acid (p < 0.0005, p<0.05, respectively). These changes were associated with a significant increase in aortic cholesterol in group OV (p<0.0005), and a significant decrease in the percentage of arachidonic acid (p <0.005) and of the total amount of fatty acids of the n-3 series (p<0.0001) and plasmalogen fatty acids (C16:0, p < 0.005; C 18:0, p < 0.05) compared with the corresponding values for group C. These results show that OV induced, independently of any effects of aging, plasma-specific lipid alterations with dysregulation of oxidative status, which could be crucial in the development of atherothrombotic disease.