A field experiment was conducted during 2019 and 2020 at Agriculture Research Station, Agriculture University, Ummedganj, Kota, Rajasthan, to study the effect of phosphorus, liquid biofertilizer and growth-regulator on growth, yield and quality of summer mungbean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek]. The experiment was conducted in split-split plot design with 4 phosphorus levels (P0 , P20, P30 and P40), biophos liquid fertilizer (without and with seed inoculation) in main plot and 3 salicylic acid (SA) levels (control, 75 and 100 ppm SA) in subplot at pre-flowering and poddevelopment stage, and replicated 3 times. The phosphorus level P30 being at par with P40 recorded significantly higher yield attributes of mungbean, viz. pod length, clusters/plant, pods/plant, seeds/pod, pod weight, test weight, seed (1,132 kg/ha), stover (1,988 kg/ha) and biological (3,120 kg/ha) yields as compared to the control and P20. Seed inoculation with biophos resulted in significantly higher yield attributes, seed (1,056 kg/ha), stover (1,850 kg/ ha) and biological (2,907 kg/ha) yields as compared to no-inoculation. Spray of 75 ppm SA, being at par with 100 ppm SA, recorded significantly higher yield attributes, seed (1,031 kg/ha), stover (1,806 kg/ha) and biological (2,838 kg/ha) yields as compared to control.