Background: Professional nurse job, long term rhythm of life that is irregular, and pressure of many aspects of live cause multiple role conflicts, sleep problem, affect the efficiency and quality of nurses performance. 12 hours shift rotation are very common in the world, but there is worries that develop about the effect of quality and safety of nurses and patient.
Aim : To find out the direct and indirect effect of work family conflict, shift work, nutrition status, sleep quality on nurse performance through work stress as an intervening variable on female nurses at Hospital of Dr Tadjuddin Chalid Makassar.
Methods : The type of this research used observational analytic with cross-sectional design to see the effect of work family conflict, shift work, nutrition status, and quality of sleep on nurse performance through work stress as an intervening variable on female nurses in the Hospital of Dr MTadjuddin Chalid Makassar. This research was conducted in February – June 2021 at Dr. Hospital. Tadjuddin Chalid Makassar. The sample of this research was female nurses who were married as many as 73 respondents, Data collection used questionnare, scale, microtoice, and secondary data. Data analysis used univariate analysis with SPSS program version 24 and multivariate analysis to find out the effect of two or more variables and to see the direct and indirect effect with handle the anther variable with used Path Analysis that was conducted with used SmartPLS program.
Results : There is no direct effect of work family conflict on performance with a score p (0,462)>0,05 There is an indirect effect of work family conflict on performance through work stress with a score p (0,001) < 0,05. There is direct effect of work stress on performance with p-value (0,003) < 0,05. There is no direct and indirect effect of shift work on performance although it through work stress as intervening variable on nurse with p-value > 0,05. There is no direct and indirect effect of nutrition status on performance athought it through work stress as an intervening variable on nurse with p-value > 0,05. There is direct effect of sleep quality on performance with p-value (0,007) < 0,05. However, there is no indirect offect of sleep quality on performance through work stress as intervening variable on female nurses in the Hospital of Dr Tadjuddin Chalid Makassar with p-value (0,983) > 0,05.
Conclusion:There is no direct effect of work family conflict on performance, but there is an indirect effect of work family conflict on performance through work stress as variable intervening. There is no direct and indirect effect of nutrition status on performance athought it through work stress as intervening variable and there is direct effect of quality of life on performance but there is no indirect effect of quality of sleep on performance through work stress as intervenig variable on nurses in Hoospital of Dr Tadjuddin Chalid Makassar. Suggested on female nurses could manage their quality of sleep with rest first before doing the activity, so that when they work, they can work as optimal