Background: A multiferroic material can simultaneously show two or more basic magnetic properties, including ferromagnetism, antiferromagnetism, and ferroelectricity. BiFeO 3 is a multiferroic material with a rhombohedral distorted perovskite structure. Doping can reduce the volatility of Bi and greatly improve the magnetoelectric properties of BiFeO 3 . Methods: To investigate the influence of the doping content we used the following analytical methods: X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), microwave network analysis (PNA-N5244A), and the Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (Quantum Design MPMS) test. Results: With the increase of Ca 2+ concentration in the solution, the grain size of Bi 1-x Ca x FeO 3 becomes smaller, showing the role of Ca 2+ ions as the dopant for fine grains. The calcination temperatures are the major causes for the saturated magnetization. The residual magnetization (M r ) and the coercive force (H c ) decrease linearly with the increase of x value, and due to the effect of Ca 2+ substitution at Bi 3+ sites, which causes the valence change of Fe and/or the oxygen vacancies.
Conclusions:The XRD result indicates that the diffraction peak emerges with the increase of Ca 2+ and the main diffraction peak achieves a high angle. The best calcining temperature is 600 °C, and the morphology is very dependent on the calcining temperature.