Maltose-limited, continuous growth of the hyperthermophile Thermotoga maritima at different temperatures and dilution rates (80°C/0.25 h ؊1 , 80°C/0.17 h ؊1 , and 85°C/0.25 h ؊1 ) showed that transcriptome-wide variation in gene expression within mechanical steady states was minimal compared to that between steady states, supporting the efficacy of chemostat-based approaches for functional genomics studies.Continuous culture can be an effective tool for determining global transcriptional patterns in functional genomics studies (5). It may also be useful for examining the fluctuation in gene expression that arises within a specific environmental context or growth condition. It is not clear yet whether biovariability in gene expression in unperturbed cells impacts the interpretation of transcriptional response to intended perturbations. Thus, some of the variation between experimental conditions could reflect the variation within an experimental condition. This issue was examined by using a whole-genome cDNA microarray for Thermotoga maritima, an obligately anaerobic, hyperthermophilic, heterotrophic bacterium growing optimally at 80°C (2, 4, 8). Chemostat-based transcriptional response experiments with whole-genome cDNA microarrays were used to investigate sources of variance that contribute to the observed patterns of differential gene expression both within and between mechanical steady states (temperature and dilution rate) by using three common procedures used to assign differential gene expression.Experimental overview. A full-genome Thermotoga maritima DNA microarray constructed from PCR products (3) was used to measure transcriptional variation during continuous cultivation (6). Three mechanical steady states chosen to reflect perturbations within the normal growth range of the organism were examined: 80°C at a dilution rate of 0.25 h Ϫ1 (six samples taken at 103.7, 109.3, 127.7, 133.4, 151.8, and 157.5 h [19.4 generations]), 85°C at a dilution rate of 0.25 h Ϫ1 (four samples taken at 435.4, 459.6, 483.4, and 501.7 h [23.9 generations]), and 80°C at a dilution rate of 0.17 h Ϫ1 (three samples taken at 879.0, 958.5, and 1,000.0 h [29.7 generations]) (Fig. 1). Isolation of total RNA, hybridizations and washes were performed as described previously (9). Slides were scanned with a Scanarray 4000 scanner (Perkin Elmer, Fremont, CA) and the raw intensity data were processed as described previously (1). The hybridization scheme was arranged according to a loop design strategy, which allows statistically efficient comparisons between samples (11).Simple "fold change" criteria and estimate-based probabilities. Differential gene expression calls based on simple fold change criteria were evaluated by pairwise t tests derived from least-squares mean estimates from log 2 -transformed raw signal intensity data and mixed model analyses (1). The log 2 -transformed analysis is referred to as "unnormalized" because systematic global variation remained confounded with growth state effects; important sources of variation wer...