The effect of receivables turnover on the profitability of Indonesia Stock Exchange-listed manufacturing enterprises This research aims to establish, between 2015 and 2020, how turnover of receivables affects the profitability of Indonesian manufacturing enterprises listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. This quantitative research for the years 2015 through 2020 used financial statements from manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange as secondary data. In a six-year period, 42 samples of enterprises were gathered for 252 observations via the use of systematic sampling (2015)(2016)(2017)(2018)(2019)(2020). As the first step in the technical analysis of the used data, descriptive statistics, conventional assumption testing, multiple regression analysis, and hypothesis testing are performed using SPSS version 22. The partial turnover of receivables has a positive and statistically significant effect, as its significance value is smaller than a = 0.05, making it statistically significant.