Existing methodologies for imaging the optic nerve head surface topography and measuring the retinal nerve fibre layer thickness include confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (Heidelberg retinal tomograph), optical coherence tomography, and scanning laser polarimetry. For cross-sectional screening of patient populations, all three approaches have achieved sensitivities and specificities within the 60-80th percentile in various studies, with occasional specificities greater than 90% in select populations. Nevertheless, these methods are not likely to provide useful assistance for the experienced examiner at their present level of performance. For longitudinal change detection in individual patients, strategies for clinically specific change detection have been rigorously evaluated for confocal scanning laser tomography only. While these initial studies are encouraging, applying these algorithms in larger numbers of patients is now necessary. Future directions for these technologies are likely to include ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomography, the use of neural network/machine learning classifiers to improve clinical decision-making, and the ability to evaluate the susceptibility of individual optic nerve heads to potential damage from a given level of intraocular pressure or systemic blood pressure.
Definition of termsThere are at present two principal tasks for these imaging systems. First, cross-sectional screening, in which an eye is imaged initially with the intention of detecting the presence of glaucomatous optic nerve damage. Second, longitudinal change detection, in which an eye that is already known to be at risk is imaged on multiple occasions over time with the intention of detecting change or progressive damage.
Current instruments
Heidelberg retinal tomographThe Heidelberg retinal tomograph (HRT) is a confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope (CSLO) that uses a 670 nm diode laser to obtain a series of two-dimensional optical section images of the ONH and peripapillary retina. A threedimensional topographic image of the ONH surface is then built from the series of 16-64 serial optical sections, when algorithms are used to find the surface at each of 256 Â 256 (HRT I) or 384 Â 384 (HRT II) pixels over a 10 or 151 field of view. The HRT II automatically captures three consecutive 151 images and from these generates a mean topographic image.To process images, the optic disc margin (anterior scleral canal opening) is defined by a contour line placed around the inner margin of the peripapillary scleral ring. The standard reference plane for volumetric parameter calculation is then automatically determined as 50 mm posterior to the mean peripapillary retinal height along the contour line between 350 and 3561; however, the reference plane