Assessment of the anxiety state in performance sports and the way it can affect sportive evolution. The Anxiety Scale was applied in Spielberg testing which targets the anxiety levels when taking a test, exam, school response, allowing the separation of 2 sub-quotas: W (Worry) representing “concern” and E - emotions. Anxiety symptoms were reported in all three categories (gymnasts, athletes, and non-athletes). Out of the total quota obtained for each group, different levels of concern were registered: average degree of concern/fear for 38.11% of the control group students, a medium to large degree of concern, 39.31% for the first group of athletes, followed by gymnasts with 53.91% and the second group of athletes with 33.38%. Out of the 60 respondents, 34 were girls,and 26 boys. From a biological and psychological point of view, anxiety acts as a warning sign meant to mobilize the adaptive function of the individual.