The pitting susceptibility of nickel in 0.08M C1-solutions (pH 4.0 Na2SOD has been determined by both potentiodynamic and potentiostatic techniques, the former giving a pitting potential and the latter an induction time, rind, for pit initiation. The potentiostatic approach is preferred because of the good reproducibility of results. Samples were prepassivated in non-C1-or C1-containing solutions and then potentiostatically polarized in 0.08M CI-at different potentials and rind measured. For either pretreatment, r~nd decreased exponentially as the potential of pitting increased, i.e., log 1/r ~V. Oxides on samples prepassivated in C1 solution contain incorporated C1-and are significantly more resistant to pitting than those formed in C1--free solutions. This increase in pitting resistance for the C1 -treated samples is in contrast to their decreased resistance to open-circuit breakdown. C1-incorporation results in -2% expansion of the NiO lattice leading to a more defective and thus less stable film towards open-circuit breakdown. The ri,d results strongly suggest that C1-incorporated in the oxide lattice (as distinct from C1-in the electrolyte) is not a precursor to pit initiation since it actually increases the resistance to pitting.In a previous paper (1), it was shown that formation of the passive oxide film on nickel in a C1-containing electrolyte resulted in the incorporation of C1-into the oxide lattice. While Auger sputter profiles indicated that the C1-was mainly distributed in the outer layers of the oxide film, the results were not compatible with a simple adsorption of C1-on the oxide surface (cf. 2-7). Indeed, the C1-signal increased substantially as the first oxide layer was sputtered away, and there appeared to be approximately twice as much C1-in the second layer as in the first. The amount of chloride in the film was highly dependent on the [C1-] in solution and the potential of anodization. The maximum homogeneous atomic concentration of C1-which could be achieved was ~-,5%. (This concentration is determined assuming a uniform layer-by-layer distribution of C1-.) The concentration of incorporated C1-quickly reached a steady-state value (~---15s) if the films were formed in a C1-containing solution. On the other hand, incorporation into an initially C1--free NiO film, achieved by subsequent anodization in a C1-containing solution, was dependent on the state of perfection of the passive film. The results suggested that C1-incorporation into an existing passive film occurred via local breakdown-repair events. These breakdown events were not induced by the presence of CI-, but were simply due to chemical dissolution of the oxide at local defects, i.e., the process that gives rise to the corrosion current even in the absence of C1-. Local reformation of the film in the C1-containing solution therefore resulted in a local C1-incorporation. A more perfect oxide film has fewer defects and therefore a slower rate of C1-uptake.While the previous paper (1) indicated that C1-can incorporate into the NiO lat...