Taurolithocbolic acid and chldarprornaajne ckolestasis in the rkesus monkey. Can. J. Physiol. Plaarmacol. 54, 1138-1 147.Taurolithocholic acid (TLC) and clhlorprdamaziine (CPZ) ckolestasis were studied in reversible primate models in order to determine the level of injury, changes in canalicular permeability, and the effects of taurocholic acid (TC) on the production of cholestasis. TLC produced dose-dependent cholestasis. Reductions in bile acid secretion rate and concentration, larger decreases in [ldC]erythritol clearance than in total bile flow, and increased bicarbonate concentration in bile indicated that the cholestasis was canalicular in origin. TC prevented cholestasis; it also caused an increased secretion s f TLC in bile, but the TLC:TC concentration ratio was unchanged, providing evidence that TC is beneficial because it hastens excretion sf TLC from the liver cell in micelles. Permeability to [ Wlinulin was increased during the recovery period. CPZ caused reductions in bile flow, bile acid secretion rate, and [14C]erythritol clearance, and almost comanpletely eliminated biliary bicarbonate secretion, suggesting a mixed canalicular and ductlalar form of cholestasis. When TC was given with CPZ, no reductions iia bile acid secretion rate or [I4C]erythritol clearance were found but bicarbonate secretion was n-aarkedly reduced, bicarbonate concentration diminished, and bile acid concentration increased, i.e., TC protected against the canalicular component of CPZ chslestasis and unmasked the ductular component. Permeability to inulin was increased in three of four animals. TLC clholestasis occurs predominately at the canalicular level, whereas CPZ probably aflects bile Wow at the ductular level as well. TC protects the hepatocyte against the effects of both agents. STRASBERG, S. M., KAY, R. M., IESON, R. G., PETRUNKA, @. N., et PALOHEHMO, J. E. 1979-Taaarolithocholic acid and chlorpromazine cholestasis in the rhesus monkey. Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 5'7, 1138-1 147.On a Ctudik la cholestase due 8 B'acide taurolithoclholique (TLC) et B la chlo~promaaine (CPZ) sur des modkles rkversibles utilisant des primates, dans le but de determiner le degre de blessure, les changements de perrnCabilit6 canaliculaire ainsi que les effets de l'acide taurocholique (TC) sur la production d9une clholestase. TLC produit une cholestase dose-dependante. Des diminutions du taux de skrCtion et de la concentration en acide biliaire, des rCductions de l'elirnlnation du [14C]6rythritol qui sont plus importantes que celles du d6bit total de bile et une concentration accrue en bicarbonate dans la bile, indiqusnt que les cholestases sont d'origine canaliculaire. TC prCvient la cholestase et cause une secretion accure de TLC dans la bile; par contre. le rapport des concentrations TLC:TC demeure inchaiagk, ce qui eonstitue la preuve que TC est bknefique car il acckl&re l'excr6tion d'acide taurolithocholique des cellules hepatiques vers Ies micelles. La permCabilit6 la [3H]inuline augmente au cows de la pCriode de rdcuperation. CPZ caus...