Ç Ço oc cu uk kl la ar rd da a s sü ün nn ne et ti in n i id dr ra ar r y yo ol lu u e en nf fe ek ks si iy yo on nu u s s› ›k kl l› ›¤ ¤› › ü üz ze er ri in ne e e et tk ki is si i E Ef ff fe ec ct t o of f c ci ir rc cu um mc ci is si io on n o on n u ur ri in na ar ry y t tr ra ac ct t i in nf fe ec ct ti io on n i in n b bo oy ys s N Ni ih ha al l Ö Öz zd de em mi ir r, , H Ha ar ri ik ka a A Al lp pa ay y, , N Ne efl fle e B B› ›y y› ›k kl l› ›, , ‹ ‹b br ra ah hi im m G Gö ök kç çe e, , A Ah hm me et t T To op pu uz zo o¤ ¤l lu u* * Ö Öz zg gü ün n A Ar ra afl flt t› ›r rm ma a O Or ri ig gi in na al l A Ar rt ti ic cl le e Ö Öz ze et t Amaç: Çocuklarda yenido¤an dönemi sonras› yap›lan sünnetin idrar yolu enfeksiyonu s›kl›¤› üzerine etkisini de¤erlendirmektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: ‹drar yolu enfeksiyonu geçiren yafllar› 1-70 ay (ortanca 5 ay) aras›nda 56 erkek çocuk çal›flmaya al›nd›. Tüm hastalara böbrek ultrasonografisi ve dimerkaptosüksinik asit sintigrafisi baflvuruda uyguland›. "‹fleme sistoüretrografisi" seçilmifl hastalara yap›ld›. Otuz-üç hastada vezikoüreteral reflü tespit edilmedi, 23 hastada 1-3 dereceli vezikoüreteral reflü vard›. Hastalardan düzenli aral›klarla idrar kültürleri al›nd›, idrar yolu enfeksiyonu idrar kültüründe >10 5 cfu/ml tek bir organizman›n üremesi olarak tan›mland›. ‹drar örne¤i bafl›na (say›) ve takip süresi (ay) boyunca geçirilen idrar yolu enfeksiyonu s›kl›¤› sünnet öncesi ve sonras› de¤erlendirilerek karfl›laflt›r›ld›.
S Su um mm ma ar ry yAim: To assess the effect of circumcision after the newborn period on recurrence of urinary tract infections (UTI) in boys. Material and Method: Fifty-six boys ranging in age from 1 to 70 months (median 5 months) with UTI were evaluated retrospectively. Renal ultrasonography and dimercaptosuccinic acid scan were performed in all patients at admission. Voiding-cystourethrography was performed in selected patients. Thirty-three boys had no underlying vesicoureteral reflux (VUR), 23 boys had VUR grade 1-3. Regular urine samples were cultured to detect UTI, defined as a single species with >10 5 colony-forming units/ml. Number of UTI per urine sample (number) and per follow-up time (month) were compared before and after circumcision. Results: In the whole group; median UTI per sample was 0.33 (IR; 0.21) before circumcision and 0.0 (IR; 0.50) after circumcision, median UTI per month was 0.37 (IR; 0.51) before circumcision and 0.0 (IR; 0.0) after circumcision. When the analysis was done seperately, UTI episodes were significantly lower after circumcision both in patients with no underlying urinary tract anomaly and patients with low grade reflux.Conclusions: This study suggests that circumcision after the newborn period decreases recurrence of urinary tract infections in preschool boys with and without reflux. (Turk Arch Ped 2010; 45: 137-40) Key words: Child, circumcision, urinary tract infection 1 13 37 7
GiriflÇocukluk ça¤›nda idrar yoalu enfeksiyonlar› (‹YE) oldukça s›kt›r ve ilk 10 yaflta erkek çocuklar›n›n yaklafl›k %1, k›z çocuklar›n›n i...