Nodulated soybean plants (Glycine max IL.I Merr) were grown in sand culture. Carbohydrate composition of nodules, roots, and leaf blades was determined and related to the effects of nitrate in nutrient solution on nodule growth and on nitrogenase activity of nodules.When The effect of nitrate on glucose concentration of nodules was consistently negative. However, if it is assumed that sucrose, glucose, and fructose are equivalent in their ability to support nodule functions, then the overall results are not consistent with the hypothesis that nitrate inhibits nodule growth and activity by reducing the accumulation of carbohydrate in nodules.The depressive effect of nitrate on root nodule growth has been known for more than a century. Reports on this subject published prior to 1900 were summarized by Fred and Graul in 1916 (4).In 1920, Strowd reported that the presence of nitrate in the rooting medium lowered the concentration of reducing sugars in sap collected by maceration of soybean shoots or roots (24). Orcutt and Wilson (12) extended this observation by using more nitrate concentrations and by division of shoots into leaves and stems, and they concluded that "the effect of combined nitrogen on nodulation is probably an indirect one, viz., the presence of combined nitrogen lowers the sugar content, which affects the development of nodules". This conclusion was supported by evidence that the negative effect of nitrate on number and weight of clover nodules could be partially overcome by increasing CO2 concentration supplied to the shoots (5). ' The concept that the negative effect of nitrate on nodule development is mediated via a reduction in carbohydrate accumulation in nodules has recently been rediscovered (6, 11,17,18). Most of the recent support for the conce?t has been derived from demonstrations that the proportion of' CO2 assimilated by shoots which is transported to nodules is reduced when plant roots are supplied with nitrate (10,14,18). Wong has shown recently that supplying sugars with nitrate to nodulated lentil roots nullifies the negative effect of nitrate on specific acetylene reduction activity of nodules (25)