The importance of the efficient use of integrated fertilizers is also popular among the farmers to obtain higher nutritive and quality product. In an integrated agricultural technique, integrated nitrogen management gives the better way to solve various problems with regards to sustainability, enhance quality, economic and yield as well as efficiently maintain good soil productivity. Broccoli is one of the most essential crops among crucifer group vegetables and it is a significant source of nutrition and antioxidants, i.e., carotenoids sulphur-containing compounds viz., Sulforaphane, Glucoraphane and Glucosinolate etc. Research experiments were laid to find out the effect of poultry manure, vermicompost, FYM and cowdung with distant mulching in broccoli and conducted out in FRBD at the experimental at Lovely professional university in Punjab, in 2022-23. Integrated nitrogen management with mulching enhances the activity of various macro nutrients. Result showed that the nutrient uptake of broccoli were observed to be superior in the treatment N5M2 where 50% nitrogen through Urea + 50% nitrogen through Poultry manure were applied along with black polythene mulch. Head yield of broccoli was positively correlated with several nutrients uptake. Integration of nitrogen (organic sources) and Urea (inorganic sources) under different mulch treatment enhances nutrient uptake quality of broccoli and also maintains the healthy soil fertility.