An investigation is made of the optical absorption and the shape of the dispersion lines due to impurity centres in a solid for the case of weak electron-phonon coupling and high impurity concentration. It is shown that the shape of the absorption lines may be Lorentzian or Gaussian depending upon the magnitude of the shift in the electronic levels of the impurities due the interactions between impurity centres.Der optische Absorptionskoeffizient und die Form der Dispersionslinien, die durch Verunreinigungen in einem Festkorper hervorgerufen werden, werden fur den Fall einer schwachen Elektron-Phonon-Kopplung und hoher Verunreinigungskonzentration untersucht. Es wird gezeigt, daB die Dispersionslinien in Abhiingigkeit von der GroBe der Verschiebung der Niveaus derverunreinigungszentren, die durch deren gegenseitige Wechselwirkung verursacht wird, Lorentz-oder Gauss-Form besitzen konnen.I n a number of experimental and theoretical papers [l to 151 it was shown that the absorption and dispersion lines corresponding t o phototransitions in impurity centres with low concentration have the shape of a Lorentzian curve.The complex refracbive index N = n -i x in the region of such transitions is well described by the expression where the sum over k denotes the summabion over all impurity centres in the volume V = di with 4