Zechstein (Z1) rocksalt from the Fulda basin, from the immediate vicinity of the Hessen potash bed is folded into tight to isoclinal folds which are cut by an undeformed, 1 cm thick, coarse-grained halite vein. Microstructures were investigated in etched, gamma-irradiated thin sections from both the wall rock and the vein. The lack of synsedimentary dissolution structures and the widespread occurrence of plate-shaped and hopper grains in the wall-rock suggests that the sedimentary environment was perennial lake. Deformation microstructures are in good agreement with solution-precipitation creep process, and salt flow under very low differential stress. Strength contrast between anhydrite-rich and anhydrite-poor layers caused the small scale folding in the halite beds. The vein is completely sealed and composed mainly of euhedral to subhedral halite grains, which often overgrow the wall-rock grains. Those microstructures, together with the presence of occasional fluid inclusion bands, suggest that the crystals grew into a solution-filled open space. Based on considerations on the maximum value of in-situ differential stress, the dilatancy criteria, the amount of released fluids from the potash bed during metamorphism and the volume change, it is proposed that the crack was generated by hydrofracturing of the rocksalt due to the presence of the salt-metamorphic fluid at near-lithostatic pressure.Keywords Halite Á Potash salt Á Deformation mechanism Á Hydrofracture
Fluid transport in rocksaltStudies of Casas and Lowenstein (1989) and Lowenstein and Spencer (1990) on Quaternary halite deposition showed that the effective porosity and permeability decrease drastically in the shallow subsurface. After about 50 m of burial the halite is nearly completely cemented, and is without any visible porosity. At depth of 100 m, the halite is tight, entirely cemented and has no measurable permeability. The very low permeability of halite is demonstrated by laboratory measurements and its ability to seal large hydrocarbon columns and fluid pressure cells. This very low permeability is maintained during halokinesis, although there are some processes which can lead to the increase in permeability.For example, Fokker (1995) considered the long term evolution of salt permeability after abandonment of solution mining caverns. He showed that when fluid pressure in the cavern approaches lithostatic due to creep convergence, diffuse dilatancy of the roof occurs and the permeability of the salt increases to allow the slow escape of the fluid. Similar high-pressure fluid pockets (porous salt) occur also in nature and these are presumably slowly moving upwards by similar processes. This process might operate in other rock types, as suggested by the mobile hydrofracture model in Bons (2001). The detailed nature of the relation between the effective stress, differential stress and permeability was