One of the complicating factors when detecting and resolving aircraft-to-aircraft conflicts is trajectory prediction uncertainty, which can cause conflicts to be detected without sufficient time to resolve them. Previous work by the authors showed this situation occurs most often in Center Airspace when an aircraft is between about 10 nmi before its top-ofdescent point and its arrival fix at the edge of the terminal area. This paper explores a pair of enhanced vertical conflict detection ranges (buffers) for aircraft descending to their meter fix that could provide enough coverage to catch potential losses for multiple types of uncertainty while limiting the increase in false alerts. The specific uncertainties examined include the predicted wind speed, cruise speed, descent speed, top-of-descent location, and the combination of all of those uncertainties plus uncertainty in aircraft fuel weight prediction. Performance metrics include false alerts, missed alerts, losses of separation, number of resolutions issued, and the total system delay caused by aircraft flying conflict avoidance maneuvers. Results show that these vertical buffers reduce the number of losses of separation for arriving aircraft from 207 to 12. However, using the vertical buffers increases the number of resolutions issued by 50% and doubles the delay accrued by aircraft flying conflict resolution maneuvers. Results also suggest that a smaller buffer (80% size) could be used to gain most of the same benefit as the full buffer with less additional delay, while alternative methods might be best suited to remove the last few loss of separation cases during descent. Further, improving the trajectory prediction accuracy combined with a vertical buffer significantly reduced the number of losses of separation, resolutions issued, and delay accrued.