Detection limit estimates derived from confidence bands around analytical calibration curves are highly dependent on the experimental design and on the statistical data treatment. Procedures are described for testing the linearity of data and whether the intercept differs significantly from zero. Insensitivity of the correlation coefficient for the evaluation of goodness of fit of calibration models is emphasized, unweighted linear models with an intercept often yield overly conservative detection limits. Frequently, an unweighted zero-intercept model is justified on both theoretical and statistical grounds. This model yields confidence bands and detection limits consistent with experiment. When the variance of signal measurements increases with concentration, more realistic confidence bands and detection limits are produced by weighting the data.
Despite numerous papers dealing with the specification of analytical method detection limits (see, for example 1-6) r much disagreement remains about the choice of both experimental and computational procedures.In part, these disagreements appear to be related to the technical objectives of the experimenter. For example, a detection limit (DL) might be estimated from some multiple of the standard deviation of blank solution signals measured during a short time interval using a painstakingly optimized instrument.Such a DL estimate clearly provides useful information but it would be unrealistic to expect to maintain an equivalent DL during an extended analysis program with real samples.Unfortunately, these differences are frequently ignored, thereby encouraging unproductive controversy.It is important to remember that a DL is not an intrinsic property but rather, it is Current address: