The article presents the results of the effect of different norms of UzDEF defoliant, depending on the characteristics of the cotton variety C- 8286, to different irrigation regimes and norms of mineral fertilizers. Currently, preparations with a gentle effect on the gout, the composition of which is part of the phenylmochevina group, is made up of the substance tidiazuron-diuron, have been used in a wide range of fields. But the application of the optimal application norms and deadlines of these new defoliants, as well as their effectiveness in connection with the irrigation regime of the Acorn, the norms of fertilizers, in Acorn varieties grown in various soil-climatic conditions of our republic, has not been fully studied scientifically. Based on the above, it is important to determine the effectiveness of defoliants depending on the irrigation regime and fertilizer standards of the gooseberry varieties, which are being cared for in various soil and climatic conditions of our republic. The main goal of the project is to provide recommendations to farmers and farms, developing optimal standards and deadlines for the use of defoliants, the local cost of which is affordable. The novelty of the project is that for the first time, the optimal application norms and deadlines will be determined in the conditions of Meadow peat soils of the Samarkand region, using the UzDEF defoliant, the cost of which is cheap, in the S-8286 variety of acorns, depending on the irrigation regime and the amount of fertilizers.