Construction of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric station was made possible by the enthusiastic collaboration of a large team of design and construction engineers, manufacturers, and scientists, involving an unusually large amount. not only of design, construction, and erection work but also of scientific research and experimental work. Theunique nature of the installations of the Krasnoyarsk scheme, the severe climatic and natural conditions of the region, and the need for ensuring reliability of installations in conjunction with the need to achieve high engineering economic indices necessitated the formulation of a broad range of scientific investigations involving specialists from several scientific-research, educational, and manufacturing organizations and institutions throughout the country. These investigations involved the participation of the B. E. Vedeneev All-Union Scientific-Research Institute of Hydrogeology {VNIIG) with the peripheral department, the S. Ya. Zhuk Gidroproekt (mainly Lengidroproekt), the Kalinin Leningrad Polytechnical Institute. the Leningrad Scientific Research Station (LISI),Gidrostal', Gidrospetsproekt, Orgenergostroi, Institutes of Academy of Sciences USSR. the 22nd Party Conference Metal Works, the & M. Kirov Elektrosila Works, and several others. The leading organization in the investigations was the B. E. Vedeneev All-Union Scientific-Research Institute of Hydrogeology and the Siberian branch at Krasnoyarsk, founded in 1959.The investigations were of a complex nature and embraced most problems connected with the design, construction, and operation of the installations of the hydroscheme. Up to that time the VNIIG team had not carried out research for any hydroscheme as big as Krasnoyarsk. From 1951, the laboratory carried out investigations under the guidance of Minenergo USSR, Lengidroproekt, the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric station management, and Krasnoyarskg'esstroi. The contracted research was largely reinforced by sector investigations, the development of new methods of investigation, the erection of large-scale experimental rigs and large-scale experimental work at the construction site. Only the main lines of the investigations and the broad results can be indicated here. * An important part of the investigations was hydraulic research. This research was carried out in VNIIG laboratories during construction of the hydroscheme on scour models to a scale 1/100 and 1/170 and on part models of the installations to a scale 1/30-1/100. A large part of the hydraulic investigations was carried out under actual conditions. ~f