This study aimed to investigate the physicochemical properties of chicken breast ham manufactured with broiler (BR), spent broiler breeder hen (SBBH), and spent laying hen (SLH). The water holding capacity and final yield of chicken breast ham manufactured with SLH was significantly lower than chicken breast ham manufactured with BR and SBBH (P<0.05). The lightness and redness of chicken breast ham manufactured with SBBH were significantly higher than those of chicken breast ham manufactured with SLH (P<0.05). The yellowness of chicken breast ham manufactured with BR and SLH was significantly higher than that of chicken breast ham manufactured with SBBH (P<0.05). The shear force of chicken breast ham manufactured with SLH was the highest. The tenderness and overall acceptability of chicken breast ham manufactured with BR and SBBH were significantly higher than those of chicken breast ham manufactured with SLH. Therefore, SBBH and SLH can lead to various textures of chicken breast hams.(Key words: chicken breast ham, spent broiler breeder hen, spent laying hen, broiler) * These authors contributed equally to this work † To whom correspondence should be addressed : 서 론 닭고기는 고단백 저지방 식육자원(단백질: 20%, 지방: 5%) 으로 지난 30년간 소고기, 돼지고기와 닭고기 중 닭고기는 1인당 연간 소비량이 300% 가량 증가하였다 (Bonoli et al., 2007, Kim et al., 2016. 우리가 일반적으로 섭취하는 닭고기 는 브로일러(broiler)종으로 성장성이 우수하고 부드러운 육 질을 지니고 있어 상업적으로 가장 널리 이용되고 있다 . 그러나 베트남, 홍콩 등의 동남아시아 지역에 서는 질긴 닭고기의 조직감을 선호하기 때문에 노계의 수출 량이 증가하여 새로운 닭고기자원으로 관심을 모으고 있다