The use of recycled materials has gained massive importance in textile sector as well as in other sectors as the effects of
reduction of natural sources are felt all over the world. In this study, it was aimed to analyse the effects of recycled cotton
usage on properties of OE-rotor spun yarns and knitted fabrics produced from these yarns. For this purpose, OE-rotor
yarns were produced at different proportion levels of virgin cotton and waste cotton that derived from blowroom 25%, 50%,
75%, 100%, respectively. For better assessment, properties of OE-rotor yarns that contain waste cotton were compared
with 100% virgin cotton OE rotor yarn. Physical, structural and mechanical properties such as unevenness, imperfections,
hairiness, breaking force, elongation, yarn-to-yarn friction, yarn-to-metal friction and yarn-to-ceramic friction were
measured by Uster Tester 4 SX, Uster Zweigle Hairiness Tester 5, Uster Tensorapid 3 and CTT by Lawson Hemphill. At
the second part of the study, single-jersey knitted fabrics were produced from OE-rotor spun yarns. Effects of waste cotton
proportion on knitted fabric properties such as pilling, abrasion resistance, bursting strength and air permeability were also
evaluated. Results showed that, the use of up to 75% per cent of waste cotton blended yarns show no statistically
significant differences on yarn and fabric properties.