Photovoltages for hydrogen-terminated p-Si(111) in an
electrolyte were quantified with methyl viologen [1,1′-(CH3)2-4,4′-bipyridinium](PF6)2, abbreviated MV2+, and [Ru(bpy)3](PF6)2, where bpy is 2,2′-bipyridine, that respectively
undergo two and three one-electron transfer reductions. The reduction
potentials, E°, of the two MV2+ reductions
occurred at energies within the forbidden bandgap, while the three
[Ru(bpy)3]2+ reductions occurred within the
continuum of conduction band states. Bandgap illumination resulted
in reduction that was more positive than that measured with a degenerately
doped n+-Si demonstrative of a photovoltage, V
ph, that increased in the order MV2+/+ (260
mV) < MV+/0 (400 mV) < Ru2+/+ (530 mV)
∼ Ru+/0 (540 mV) ∼ Ru0/– (550 mV). Pulsed 532 nm excitation generated electron–hole
pairs whose dynamics were nearly constant under depletion conditions
and increased markedly as the potential was raised or lowered. A long
wavelength absorption feature assigned to conduction band electrons
provided additional evidence for the presence of an inversion layer.
Collectively, the data reveal that the most optimal photovoltage,
as well as the longest electron–hole pair lifetime and the
highest surface electron concentration, occurs when E° lies energetically within the unfilled conduction band states
where an inversion layer is present. The bell-shaped dependence for
electron–hole pair recombination with the surface potential
was predicted by the time-honored SRH model, providing a clear indication
that this interface provides access to all four bias conditions, i.e.,
accumulation, flat band, depletion, and inversion. The implications
of these findings for photocatalysis applications and solar energy
conversion are discussed.