Objective: The present study is aimed at comparative pharmacognostical studies in terms of macroscopic and quantitative microscopy on different solvent (chloroform, methanol and water) extracted leaves, stem and root parts of HA, procured from the Bangalore soil zone, Karnataka, India. Methods: Initially the soil parameters are checked for the presence of various metals and other physicochemical properties. Microscopy and macroscopic analysis were performed to under the arrangement of anatomical structures of cells and tissues. Thereafter HPTLC study was performed to determine the presence of conessine in various parts of Kurchi. Results and discussion: The results revealed the soil is sandy loam with the pH of 7.40, organic carbon content 0.30%, electrical conductivity (EC) was 13.14 mS cm -1 and the soil redox potential was 17.80 mV. Macroscopical and microscopical evaluation of leaf, stem and root gave special identification characters. Phytochemical investigation reveals the presence of alkaloids, carbohydrate, protein, glycoside, saponin, phytosterols and diterpenes. Thereafter, presence of conessine was identified by HPTLC at 192 nm using mobile phase Toluene, Ethylacetate and Dietylamine (6:3:1) and percentage of conessine resulted higher of 0.51 in methanol bark extract followed by 0.48% in the methanol root extract. This may be due to the soil nature of Bangalore zone and the effect of solvent where the active constituents are soluble maximized to get more yield. Conclusion: Pharmacognostical parameters and conessine content in different parts of Holarrhena antidysentrica through HPTLC was revealed that was dependent on various factors.