Application of water stress to isolated spinach (Spinacia oleracea) ehloroplasts by redutcion of the osmotic potentials of C02 fixation media below -6 to -8 bars resulted in decreased rates of fixation regardless of solute composition. A decrease in C02 fixation rate of isolated chloroplasts was also found when leaves were dehydrated in air prior to chloroplast isolation. An inverse response of C02 fixation to osmotic potential of the fixation medium was found with chloroplasts isolated from dehydrated leaves-namely, fixation rate was inhibited at -8 bars, compared with -16 or -24 bars.Low leaf water potentials were found to inhibit CO2 fixation of intact leaf discs to almost the same degree as they did C02 fixation by chloroplasts isolated from those leaves. C02 fixation by intact leaves was decreased by 50 and 80% when water potentials were reduced from -7.1 to -9.6 and from -7.1 to -17.6 bars, respectively. Transpiration was decreased by only 40 and 60%, under the same conditions. However, correction for the increase in leaf temperature indicated transpiration decreases of 57 and 80%, similar to the relative decreases in CO2 fixation.Despite the 4-fold increase in leaf resistance to C02 diffusion in the gas phase when the water potential of leaves was reduced from -6.5 to -14.0 bars, an additional increase of about 50% in mesophyll resistance was obtained. C02 concentration at compensation also increased when leaf water potential was reduced.The control of the CO2 pathway from the atmosphere to chloroplasts of higher plants is usually divided into three physical resistances arranged in series. The boundary layer resistance (ra), the stomatal resistance (r,), and the mesophyll resistance (rm) (13,14). The mesophyll resistance includes, besides a resistance to CO2 diffusion in the liquid phase, the photochemical and biochemical resistances which take place inside the chloroplast.It is known that increased plant water stress is followed by a decrease in the rate of photosynthesis (5, analyzing leaf temperature and CO2 and H20 exchange rates, that the decline in photosynthesis at reduced leaf water potentials was due primarily to an increase in stomatal diffusion resistance (2,5,13,29). In some circumstances an increase in mesophyll resistance to CO, diffusion in the liquid phase was implied as a factor controlling photosynthesis under stress conditions (15,24,28). Other investigators have shown a reduction in either photochemical or biochemical activities of the chloroplast itself when leaf water potentials were lowered (7,12,27). Recently, we have shown (22) that a decrease in osmotic potentials inhibited CO2 fixation of isolated chloroplasts even at a saturating concentration of CO2 at the chloroplast surface.Boyer (6) suggested that the rate of photosynthesis at leaf water potentials below -11 to -12 bars was limited by reduced photochemical activity of the leaves and not by CO2 diffusion rate or photosynthetic enzymes. The approach in the present work was to compare the response of CO2 fixation by i...