A field trial was conducted on a sandy clay loam soil during rabi seasons of 2020-21 and 2021-22 at the Agricultural College Farm, Bapatla to investigate the residual effect of maize crop residue management techniques and fertilizer levels on growth and productivity of zerotill maize in rice-maize sequence. The experiment was laid out in split-split plot design with four maize crop residue management practices (M1 : Exportation of maize stover, M2 : In-situ burning of maize stover (farmers practice), M3 : Mulching maize stover with rotary mulcher and M4 : Incorporation of maize stover with rotovator) as main plot treatments and three fertility levels (100% RDF, 75% RDF and 50% RDF) as sub plot treatments applied to kharif preceded rice and three fertility levels (100% RDF, 75% RDF and 50% RDF) as sub-sub plot levels applied to succeeding maize. Results revealed that incorporation of maize stover with rotovator (M4 ) applied to preceding rice significantly improved plant height (cm), days to 50% tasseling and 50% silking, cob length (cm), cob girth (cm), test weight (g) and grain yield of maize. Mean values for fertiliser levels revealed that plant height (cm), days to 50% tasseling and 50% silking, cob length (cm), cob girth (cm), test weight (g) and grain yield were registered with application of 100% RDF (S1 ) applied to preceding rice and application of 100% RDF applied to succeeding maize. Thus, incorporation of maize stover with rotovator (M4 ) along with application of 100 % RDF applied to preceding rice and application of 100% RDF (S1 ) to succeeding maize is an optimum and sustainable approach to enhance the growth and productivity of zero till maize in rice-maize system.