It was to investigate the effects of different fertilizer formulation and fertilizer depth treatments on sugarcane (Saccharum spp. Hybrids.) yield, quality traits, soil enzyme activities, and overall soil fertility. The field micro-area experiment was conducted in Baise City, Guangxi Province. The sugarcane treatments were applied with different formulations of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium and different fertilization depths. The soil fertility level of different fertilization treatments was comprehensively scored by principal component analysis and fuzzy mathematics. In comparison to conventional fertilization, the D15 treatment for optimized fertilization rate at 15 cm depth demonstrated enhanced sugarcane height and sugar content. Additionally, the total seedling weight increased by 35.26%. Furthermore, the inter-root soil contents of urease, sucrase, catalase, and acid phosphatase exhibited a significant increase by 75.37%, 50.94%, 4.87%, and 24.56%. The nitrogen content of sugarcane stems was increased by 52.24%. The nitrogen and potassium contents of sugarcane stems exhibited a notable increase in the T2 treatment, when compared to the other treatments, reaching 1.835 g/kg and 8.111 g/kg, respectively. The combined soil fertility of the T4 and D15 treatments was moderate, and exhibited an upward trend when compared to the low soil fertility observed in the T0 conventional fertilization treatment. 1In conclusion, the fertilizer optimization ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium and the fertilizer one-time application at 15 cm depth was more consistent with the nutrient needs of sugarcane compared to the conventional application. The soil integrated fertility increased by optimizing the application of fertilizer and fertilizer depth compared to conventional fertilization, could reduce the input of fertilizer.