The aim of this study was to improve the quality and functionality of Korean soy
sauce made with onion juice. At the end of fermentation, the titratable acidity
of the soy sauce containing 100% onion juice was the highest at 2.90%. The salt
(NaCl) content was highest and lowest in the samples without and with onion
juice supplementation, respectively. The protein content ranged from
11.09-12.50%. The sensory evaluation revealed that the soy sauce sample
containing 70% onion juice had the highest scove at 5.0-5.8 levels in terms of
sweetness, salty taste, delicate flavor, and overall preference. Quercetin
content was 1.73 mg/100 g and 1.68 mg/100 g in soy sauce containing 70% and 100%
onion juice, respectively. However, quercetin was not detected in the soy sauce
without onion juice supplementation. Total polyphenol and flavonoid contents, as
well as antioxidant activity, increased proportionally to the amount of onion
juice added. Overall, it was confirmed that the addition of onion juice improved
the quality and functionality of Korean soy sauce.