In children with advanced chronic renal failure, bleeding is a frequent complication which contributes to morbidity and even mortality. In the last decade, desmopres sin (l-deamino-8-D-argininc vasopressin; DDAVP). a synthetic analogue of antidiuret ic hormone, has been used to treat uremic bleeding. The exact mechanism by which DDAVP corrects uremic bleeding is still not clear; DDAVP-induccd release of large von Willebrand factor (vWF) multiniers or re lease of serotonin from uremic platelets has been among the suggested mechanisms [1. 2]. Although DDAVP has usually been ad ministered parenterallv in uremic patients, this route of application requires a physician and is not very feasible for children. Intra nasal DDAVP at high doses has also been put into use in uremic patients [3],In the presented study, we have exam ined the effect of low-dose (10 and 20 pig) intranasal DDAVP (Minirin) on bleeding time, factor VIII procoagulant activity (FVIIEC). vWF. protein C (PC) activity, plasminogen activator inhibitor-3 (PAI-3). di-antitrypsin and thrombomodulin in our uremic children on maintenance hemodialy sis. We have thus attempted to investigate the mode of action of low-dose intranasal DDAVP and clarify its action in potentiat ing hemostasis. The patient group consisted of 11 children hemodialyzed thrice weekly with cuprophane membranes. The age range was 12-21 years (median 16). Six of them had clinical signs of bleeding diathesis in the form of dysmenorrhea, or oral or nasal/nasopharyngcal bleeding and/or gastrointestinal bleeding, or in the form of spontaneous ecchymotic skin lesions. DDAVP was admin istered intranasally at a dose of 10 pg at the first phase of the study (44 h after the termi nation of the previous dialysis session). At the second phase of the study. 2 days later. 20 ug DDAVP was given by the same route. In only 1 patient (No. 2), who developed heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, a third dose of DDAVP was administered intrave nously (0.3 pg-kg-1).Ivy bleeding times were measured before and 2 h after DDAVP administration by a medical person who was blinded to the aim of the procedure and the medications given to the study subjects. Statistical analysis was performed by repeated measures two-way analysis of variance. In this analysis, time (be fore vs. after) and dose (10 vs. 20 pg) effects as within-subjects factors and also time-dose in teraction were included in the model. A statis tical package for social sciences (SPSS) for Windows v5.1 software was used.In the 6 patients with bleeding diathesis, a clinical response was achieved: the abnor mal bleeding subsided within 1-3 days in all and did not recur during the 2 weeks of treat ment with DDAVP 20 pg daily. Mean bleed ing time shortened from 8.2 ± 4.8 to 7.1 ± 4.8 min at the first stage (10 pg DDAVP) and from 8.3 ± 4.6 to 6.9 ± 4.7 min at the second stage (20 pg DDAVP: dose effect, p = 0.49; lime effect, p = 0.0002: time-dose in teraction. p = 0.33; table 1). The number of KARGER 0 1996 S. Karger AG. Basel