This article reports a method for computer-based coil design and results of the designed coils. The method predicts signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of a coil by means of computer simulation. Paying special attention to a solenoid coil with few turns, we developed an expression of B 1 inhomogeneity factor and incorporated the expression into an SNR formula. For a cryogenic probe coil, a test using the method was 40 times faster than an experimental test. By using the developed method, we designed a twoturn solenoid coil made out of tape of nonuniform width (named TS coil). An experiment on the TS coil using a split magnet of 14 T yielded SNR 5 5,755 for 0.1% ethylbenzene after SNR had been predicted to be 8,381. Peak broadening (linewidth 5 2.2 Hz) due to the residual coil magnetization caused the difference between the measured and the predicted SNR. By reducing linewidth to 1 Hz, SNR 5 8,122 will be achievable with the designed TS coil.