Barley is described to mostly use sucrose for night carbon requirements. To understand how the transient carbon is accumulated and utilized in response to cold, barley plants were grown in a combination of cold days and/or nights. Both daytime and night cold reduced growth. Sucrose was the main carbohydrate supplying growth at night, representing 50-60% of the carbon consumed. Under warm days and nights, starch was the second contributor with 26% and malate the third with 15%. Under cold nights, the contribution of starch was severely reduced, due to an inhibition of its synthesis, including under warm days, and malate was the second contributor to C requirements with 24-28% of the total amount of carbon consumed. We propose that malate plays a critical role as an alternative carbon source to sucrose and starch in barley. Hexoses, malate, and sucrose mobilization and starch accumulation were affected in barley elf3 clock mutants, suggesting a clock regulation of their metabolism, without affecting growth and photosynthesis however. Altogether, our data suggest that the mobilization of sucrose and malate and/or barley growth machinery are sensitive to cold. K E Y W O R D S barley growth, carbon metabolism, circadian clock, cold, diurnal metabolism, EARLY FLOWERING 3, fructans, malate, starch, sucrose