The success of tissue culture is greatly influenced by the explant surface sterilization technique. The presence of bacterial and fungi contamination, and the occurrence of browning on the explants can interfere with the process of culture propagation. High concentration of sterilant agents will inhibit cell division and the growth of explant tissues. This study aims to determine the optimum type and concentration of sterilant agents and how to use them to sterilize explants without causing much damage to explant tissue. The surface sterilization treatment of bulbil explant by soaking in a 250 mg.L-1 cefotaxime antibiotic solution for 30 minutes, and followed by immersion in 0.2% HgCl2 for 7 minutes, followed by soaking in NaOCl 1:2 for 10 minutes showed the best results obtained 60% sterile explants and faster growth of callus cells from explants. Callus grows to form adventitious buds within a period of 7 weeks.