A field experiment was conducted at Cotton Research Scheme Farm, VNMKV, Parbhani during kharif season 2015-16 and 2016-17 in randomized block design with seven treatments in three replicates. Sowing was done by dibbling with spacing 120 cm x 30 cm for Bt.cotton and for soybean 60cm x 5cm. The result indicated that, spraying of pre emergence application of Oxyflurofen 23.5% EC at 0.1 kg/ha ai followed by hand weeding and hoeing at 6 week after sowing (WAS) recorded significantly highest seed cotton equivalent yield (1868 kg ha-1), gross monetary returns (8159 Rs/ha) and net monetary returns (39024 Rs/ha) over rest of the treatment except it was on par with application of pre emergence application of Pendimethalin 30% EC at 0.75 kg/ha ai with hand weeding and hoeing at 6 WAS and Alachlor 50 % EC at 2.0 kg/ha ai followed by hand weeding and hoeing at 6 WAS. The treatment Spraying of pre emergence application of Oxyflurofen 23.5% EC at 0.1kg/ha ai followed by hand weeding and hoeing at 6 WAS was found productive and profitable followed by Pendimethalin 30% EC at 0.75 kg/ha ai with hand weeding and hoeing at 6 WAS and Alachlor 50 % EC at 2.0 kg/ha ai followed by hand weeding and hoeing at 6 WAS.