The effect of temperature on the thermophysical properties of coconut water was investigated from 5 to 80C, taking density, Newtonian viscosity, thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity into consideration, besides specific heat. The validation of existent models of other foodstuffs, as well as the proposal of new models, was also investigated. It was verified that temperature significantly affected these properties, presenting in general a linear behavior, except for Newtonian viscosity, which presented an exponential behavior. Among the existent equations, results from the multiple linear model were appropriated to predict the density, thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity values, while the model, which depended on solids fraction, was the best one for specific heat value, and the exponential model was the best in relation to Newtonian viscosity values. The proposed models fitted well, and were simple and easy to use.
Most of the known values of thermophysical properties of fluid foods typically concern products from subtropical and cold areas. Until today, there was little information concerning tropical products such as coconut water. Food composition and temperature are important factors that affect thermal properties. In order to create and adapt specific equipment, optimize processes that involve pumping and heat transfer, contributing to an effective design of food‐processing equipment for tropical fluid foods, it is important to know the factors. Besides, the evaluation of existent models and equations, and the introduction of new equations is important to allow an adequate prediction of studied properties, thus saving time, material and money.