Current study was done for evaluation effect of substrate mixtures and nutrient solutions on growth, yield and chemical characteristics of strawberry (Fragaria×ananassa) cv. Festival in soilless culture system. Planting was done on 1 st week of October during the two winter seasons of The tested factors were arranged in factorial design with three replicates. Measured traits were number of leaves, plant height, leaf chlorophyll reading, leaf area, early and total yield, number of fruits, average number of fruit and N, P, and K percentage content of the fourth leaf.The results show that these vegetative growth parameters, yield and leaf chemical contents responded and positively significantly to using perlite: peat-moss under this investigation. Furthermore, using mineral solution had significant effects on all measured characteristics. While, using perlite: peat-moss combined with mineral had the highest values of all measured. Adding, using perlite: peat-moss combined with vermicompost-tea was affected in plant height and leaf area. These results were reported during the two seasons.
INTRODUCTION:Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) is one of the important Rosaceae vegetable crops grown for their fruits. It is one of the major export crops,
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