The purpose of this study was to investigate the histochemical staining properties of the myosin ATPase (pH 9.4) and succinate dehydrogenase ( S D H ) stains as fitnctions of muscle for electrical stimulation and postmortem time. Musclr blocks, 2 cubic centimeters in volume, were removed from the gluteirs medius o f j v e electrically stimulated (ES) a n d j v e nonstimulated ( N S ) contralateral beef carcass sides at 0 , 2 and 24 h after stirnulation. The p H of the gluteus mediiis decreased significantly in both the ES (5.86) and NS (6.14) sides lvithiii n c~~ hours postmortem mid ihe 24 h pH Iwlues Hxere 5.76 and 5.72, respectirvly. Muscle histochemical staining characteristics for myosin ATPase (pH 9.4) did not change ( P > .05) within 24 h postmortem for either ES or NS muscle. A change in the staining characteristics for SDH was found for both ES and N S at 24 h postmortem. No difference in histochemical staining characteristic3 M'OS found as a result of ES.