“…The degree of damage de pends not only on the particular antibiotic used but also on the dose schedule and the total dose [3,4], Concerning this group of drugs, comparative studies of ototoxicity KARGER ©1996 S. Karger AG. Basel 0301-1569/96/0582-0068S 10.00/0 E-Mail kargcr@kargcr.ch F ax+ 41 61 306 12 34 patterns have revealed that the most pronounced changes are found after neomycin treatment, whereas the least changes are evident after netilmicin treatment [1,2], Recent studies have also revealed that the dosing schedule also influences the development of ototoxicity [3,4], A once-daily dose therapy has recently been suggested for clinical use instead of an administration of aminoglyco side 2 or 3 times per day. This may be partly explained by better patient compliance, which is also convenient for the physician [5], A number of studies have confirmed the efficacy and safety of a once-daily regimen for clinical use [5,6], The risk of ototoxic development has been signifi cantly lower in a once-daily treatment than one given 2 or 3 times per day [4].…”