We have previously proposed a model to account for the high levels of homologous recombination that can occur during the introduction of DNA into mammalian cells (F.-L. Lin, K. Sperle, and N. Sternberg, Mol. Cell. Biol. 4:1020-1034). An essential feature of that model is that linear molecules with ends appropriately located between homologous DNA segments are efficient substrates for an exonuclease that acts in a 5'-)3' direction. That process generates complementary single strands that pair in homologous regions to produce an intermediate that is processed efficiently to a recombinant molecule. An alternative model, in which strand degradation occurs in the 3'-+5' direction, is also possible. In this report, we describe experiments that tested several of the essential features of the model. We first confirmed and extended our previous results with double-stranded DNA substrates containing truncated herpesvirus thymidine kinase (tk) genes (tkA5' and tkA3'). The results illustrate the importance of the location of double-strand breaks in the successful reconstruction of the tk gene by recombination. We next transformed cells with pairs of single-stranded DNAs containing truncated tk genes which should anneal in cells to generate the recombination intermediates predicted by the two alternative models. One of the intermediates would be the favored substrate in our original 5'-3' degradative model and the other would be the favored substrate in the alternative 3'--5' degradative model. Our results indicate that the intermediate favored by the 3'--5' model is 10 to 20 times more efficient in generating recombinant tk genes than is the other intermediate.DNA introduced into cultured mammalian cells, either as a calcium phosphate precipitate or by direct microinjection into nuclei, is capable of undergoing efficient homologous recombination before it becomes integrated into chromosomes (11,13,18,22,28,32,34,35,41,42). Frequencies of homologous recombination in the range of 10 to 20% are common in these sorts of experiments (22). Recent in vitro recombination studies with nuclear extracts indicate that the enzymes necessary to execute homologous recombination are indeed present in mammalian cells (9,15,17,19).Two general mechanistic models have been proposed to account for the process of recombination during the introduction of DNA into mammalian cells. One, the doublestrand (ds)-break repair model, is analogous to that proposed to explain homologous recombination in yeasts (37). The second, the single-strand (ss) annealing model (22), is analogous to a model originally proposed by Broker and Lehman (4) to explain recombination by bacteriophage T4 and one later proposed by Lai and Nathans (20) to explain the generation of deletions after the introduction of simian virus 40 DNA into mammalian cells. In the ds-break repair model, recombination is initiated by a ds break or gap in one DNA molecule which is repaired faithfully with a second unbroken copy of the homologous DNA as a template. A requirement of the model is th...