Pure breeds are important due to the fact that they adapt well to poor husbandry conditions. However, gene expression of digestive enzymes and nutrient transporters of pure breeds and layer hybrids have not been studied yet. Therefore, this study was directed to detect the gene expression of digestive enzymes and nutrient transporters in the yolk sac membrane and small intestine of the embryos in layer hybrid and pure breeds. A total of 354 hatching eggs were collected from 29 wk old Denizli, Gerze and Lohman White (LW) breeder flocks. Twelve eggs from each genotype were selected at embryonic day 19 (E19) and day 21 (E21). APN, SI, PepT1, EAAT3, CAT1, B 0 AT, SGLT1 and GLUT5 mRNA expressions were evaluated in the yolk sac membrane (YSM) and small intestine of the embryos from different genotypes. Expressions of APN and EAAT3 in the small intestine of Denizli embryo were upregulated from E19 to E21. B 0 AT, PepT1 and SGLT1 expressions were upregulated in the small intestine of pure breed and layer hybrid embryos with increasing embryonic age. SI expression in the small intestine of the LW embryos was upregulated from E19 to E21. APN, B 0 AT and EAAT3 expressions in the YSM of Denizli embryos were dowregulated from E19 to E21. EAAT3 and SGLT1 expressions in the YSM of Gerze embryos were upregulated at E21 and compared to E19. Taken together, our results indicate that genotype and embryonic age influenced the expression of digestive enzymes and nutrient transporter genes in the small intestine and YSM of embryos.