A single crystal of isovalently substituted BaðFe 1−x Ru x Þ 2 As 2 (x ¼ 0.24) is sequentially irradiated with 2.5 MeV electrons up to a maximum dose of 2.1 × 10 19 e − =cm 2 . The electrical resistivity is measured in situ at T ¼ 22 K during the irradiation and ex situ as a function of temperature between subsequent irradiation runs. Upon irradiation, the superconducting transition temperature T c decreases and the residual resistivity ρ 0 increases. We find that electron irradiation leads to the fastest suppression of T c compared to other types of artificially introduced disorder, probably due to the strong short-range potential of the pointlike irradiation defects. A more detailed analysis within a multiband scenario with variable scattering potential strength shows that the observed T c versus ρ 0 is fully compatible with s AE pairing, in contrast to earlier claims that this model leads to a too rapid suppression of T c with scattering. There are several experimental approaches to study the energy gap structure in superconductors. One of them is to measure the change of the superconducting transition temperature T c with artificially introduced disorder. Since impurity scattering mixes the superconducting order parameter at different points on the Fermi surface, controlled potential disorder may be considered a phase-sensitive probe of gap symmetry. It is well known that while the gap and critical temperature of an isotropic s-wave superconductor are insensitive to nonmagnetic disorder [1,2], superconducting states with different gap symmetries and structures may be extremely sensitive [3][4][5][6][7][8][9]. In the case of iron-based superconductors, the predictions for the effect of disorder differ for various possible pairing states and depend on details of the model. In particular, models involving repulsive interactions, including popular spin fluctuation models (for a review, see Ref.[10]). predict states where the order parameter changes signs between sheets of the Fermi surface, generically called s AE here, whereas models involving orbital fluctuations [5,6] and attractive interactions predict no sign change (s þþ ). The effect of disorder has also been studied in the coexisting superconducting and long-range magnetic order phase [8]. These different approaches can be studied within a phenomenological multiband theory that for some parameters predicts a crossover from the s AE to the s þþ state [7].