The significance of regional dynamics in the process of economic development and regional development has increased as a result of significant factors like competitiveness, human resource development, and observation of the global market. In this study, mathematical programming-based cluster analysis has been conducted to group the regions in Türkiye according to sectoral employment rates. A mixed integer mathematical model is presented that maximizes the smallest of the out-of-cluster distances while minimizing the largest within-cluster distance. Level 2- 26 sub-regions in Türkiye are clustered according to sectoral employment data for 2021 and 2022. As a result, two clusters were obtained for both years in our country according to employment status by gender on a sectoral basis. One of these clusters is where the employment rate of the agricultural sector is higher than other sectors, and the other is where the employment rate of the industrial and service sectors is higher. When the 2021 and 2022 clusters are compared, in total, TR22, TR32, TR33, TRC3; in men, TR21, TR22, TR32, TR52, TR81; In women, it was observed that TRC1 regions were assigned to different clusters. By implementing a successful employment policy as human resource development across the national government, it will be possible to ensure the balanced growth of provinces located in Türkiye's various geographical areas.