In modern aquaculture, probiotic drugs are used to increase the immunologically determined natural resistance of the fish body, regulate their immune homeostasis, prevent stress, prevent diseases and form normal intestinal microflora of fish at all stages of development. The use of these drugs in compound feeds can solve a number of problems related to the immunological and physiological state of the fish body, affecting the antimicrobial activity expressed by the secretion of antimicrobial peptides, suppression of bacterial invasion, and prevention of adhesion of pathogenic microorganisms to epithelial cells. In addition, the drugs will help to improve the barrier function, expressed by an increase in mucus production, strengthening the integrity of the epithelial barrier. This article presents information about the experimental study of the effect of a probiotic drug on the enterosorbent “Ecoflor” on the dynamics of bactericidal activity of blood serum, the concentration of nonspecific immune complexes in blood serum and immunocompetent organs, the number of immunodeficient individuals, as well as on the level of C-reactive protein of the Russian Lena sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstadtii x Acipenser baeri). It was found that the use of a probiotic drug in experimental dosages of 5–9 g/kg of compound feed has an effect on the indicators of nonspecific humoral immunity. Thus, the Russian- Lena sturgeon, grown on compound feeds with probiotic on enterosorbent, had an increased level of BABS and the absence of IMD of individuals. In addition, the probiotic contributed to a decrease in the concentration of nonspecific immune complexes in the blood serum and immunocompetent organs of the Russian-Lena sturgeon, and the results of the analysis for SRB allowed us to conclude that the drug used does not cause inflammatory reactions in the body of sturgeon fish.