Nitrogen levels of 0, 184 and 368 lb (0, 83-47 and 166-94 kg) were applied, as calcium ammonium nitrate, in six dressings throughout the grazing season to a perennial ryegrass/white clover sward. Herbage samples taken, periodically from each treatment and analysed nitrate for, indicated that the latter increased with increasing levels of applied nitrogen. Herbage nitrate levels weie higher towards the end of the grazing season than at any other time. There was no consistent relationship between applied nitrogen and total plant nitrogen, although the latter tended to run parallel with applied-nitrogen levels during the early part of the year. Sheep performance was significantly increased with the first increment of 184 lb (83-47 kg) of nitrogen; a second increment of 1841b resulted in a further, but non-significant, increase. High-nitrate pastures did not significantly reduce livei vitamin A storage in sheep. It is suggested that approximately 350 Ib (158-79 kg) of nitrogen, applied uniformly throughout the grazing season, results in pasture nitrate levels which have no adverse affect on sheep performance. INTRODUCTION As livestock intensification progresses the need for larger nitrogen applications to grassland will become more apparent. Nitrogen applied as ammonium salts is first oxidized to nitrate by soil bacteria and as such can be absorbed by plant roots. The rate at which absorbed nitrate is formed into protein is related to plant growth rate. With high nitrogen application, plants can absorb more nitrate than they can readily form into protein.Accumulation of nitrate in plants can have two different effects. A toxic level will lead to animal deaths within a matter of days: nitrate is reduced by rumen bacteria to nitrite which combines with blood haemoglobin to form methaemoglobin; the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood is thereby reduced. Nitrate below toxic levels inhibits the conversion of carotene to vitamin A in ruminants (9,12,26,27).Johnson and Baumann (17) showed that a normal thyroid gland was essential for the conversion of carotene to vitamin A. Since nitrate reduces thyroid activity (34, 35), this suggests 228 that the effect of nitrate, mediated through the thyroid gland, may contribute to the lower in vivo carotene conversion. Sell and Roberts (25) confirmed this finding with chicks.The addition of nitrate reduced liver vitamin A in both sheep and rats (13, 21) and other workers (16, 20, 26) have reported that highnitrate diets interfere with carotene and vitamin A metabolism. The feeding of nitrite, but not nitrate, significantly lowers liver vitamin A storage from the orally-administered preformed vitamin (7). Liver vitamin A storage from carotene is reduced by both nitrate and nitrite, with the greatest effect from the latter.Bacterial reduction of nitrates in silages produces oxides of nitrogen which, in addition to the human health hazard, affect the biological activity of carotene. Gaseous oxides of nitrogen (NO and N2O4) destroy carotene, which as a result has no vitamin A activit...