The authors have previously investigated the physiologic functions by serial nephroangiography in young patients with essential hypertension (HOTOVY et coll, 1968). It was considered that endogen angiotensin may also have played a role in the pathogenesis of hypertension. In view of the fact that little work on this subject appears to have been done it was decided to investigate the effect of angiotensin on the hemodynamics and function of the kidney in dogs.
Materials and Methods.Transfemoral aortography was carried out in fifteen mongrel dogs, weighing 10 to 25 kg, under intravenous chloralose anesthesia in a dose of 100 mg/kg bodyweight. The contrast medium, 0.5 ml/kg bodyweight Uromiro 75 0/0, was injected with a Gidlund injector under a pressure of 4 kg/ em" into the aorta close to the origins of the renal arteries. The injector was coupled to an Odelca film changer, and 12 films were exposed during the first .5 seconds; further films were produced at the standardized times of 10, 15, 20, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 seconds. The exact chronologie order of the films was recorded on an Elema Mingograph (HOTOVY et coll. ). The mean arterial pressure was measured with a Hg-manometer inserted into the femoral artery of the other side.