Abstract:Rehabilitation professionals facilitate healthy movement and mobility in individuals seeking to engage in physically active lifestyles. The disparate rate of injury to the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee in physically active females in comparison to males serves as an excellent example of the challenges faced by rehabilitation professionals. The surgical reconstruction of the ligament and post-surgical rehabilitation has received a great deal of attention, but far less emphasis has been placed on the etiology and prevention of this disabling injury. This article addresses the impact of increased physical activity among females on ACL injury incidence, what is known and unknown about injury risk, and the importance of identifying strategies for prevention of injury to the ACL. One example of a research program that is exploring the potential risk factors for ACL injury in the physically active female is discussed.
Article:For purposes of this paper, rehabilitation professionals will be defined as allied health care providers such as certified athletic trainers, physical therapists, strength and conditioning specialists, and the various medical specialties that comprise the sports medicine team. The objective of these professionals is to facilitate healthy movement and mobility in individuals seeking to engage in physically active every day lifestyles, including those participating in competitive athletics across the lifespan. Inherent in this objective is the need to develop scientifically based programs of injury prevention, evaluation, and rehabilitation. For these professionals to focus solely on physical rehabilitation does an injustice to the growing number of citiZens pursuing physically active lifestyles and the benefits that accrue from movement and mobility in every day living. One particular challenge currently faced by rehabilitation professionals is the epidemic of injury to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) of the knee among physically active females. This particular professional issue related to every day movement and mobility will be used to illustrate the importance of a comprehensive approach to physical rehabilitation. The paper will address the impact of increased physical activity among females on injury incidence, what is known and unknown about injury risk, and the importance of identifying strategies for prevention of injury to the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee. Finally, a research model that is exploring the relationship between sex hormones, knee stability factors, and ACL injury risk will be presented.
Increased Physical Activity Among Females and Epidemiology of ACL Injury