Different nephrological derangements are observed in severe alcoholics. Until now the direct toxicity of ethanol is only shown in the fetal alcohol syndrome with various malformations of the genitourinary tract. In the adult the kidney is often involved in the development, maintenance and counterregulation of complex electrolyte disturbances like phosphate and potassium hypoglycemia etc. The alcohol associated retention of urate, induced by hyperlactatemia and/or increased beta-hydroxybutyrate concentration is only rarely complicated by urate nephropathy. Alcohol intoxication (acute and chronic) predisposes to rhabdomyolysis with the risk of acute renal failure. There are some hints that chronic alcoholism with myopathy increases the vulnerability of the kidney for further toxic agents. In rats glycerol induced renal failure is enhanced by alcohol pretreatment. Finally, regular alcohol consumption raises the blood pressure, which per se is a risk factor for renal damage.